Space RESearch Opportunities in the Northeast - AN ISRO-Academia Collaboration Effort

A two-day workshop on ISRO-Academia Collaboration on Space Research for the Northeastern Region, organised by ISRO RAC-S, Gauhati University in association with RESPOND, ISRO, Bengaluru


The workshop will be held in the Conference Room (3rd floor) of the Gauhati University Institute of Science & Technology (GU-IST). The building has easy access facilities. Upon entering the building, you can either take the stairs or a lift (located left of the staircase) to the 3rd floor. Google Map location along with the QR code is displayed below.



Accommodations for resource persons are arranged in Gauhati University Guest House, IIT Guwahati Guest House, and in a Hotel. Accommodations for participants are arranged in a hotel.

Detailed accommodation locations and travel instructions have been mailed to individal participants.

Travel and Transportation

All resource persons will be received at the airport and will be dropped accordingly. Participants need to travel to the allocated hotel on their own. On the day of the workshop, all resource persons as participants will be provided vehicles to reach the venue and will also be taken back to their places of accommodation.


All accommodations have breakfast included. All are requested to have their breakfast at their places of accommodation.  Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian lunch will be available at the workshop venue along with a high-tea and evening tea.

Participants need to arrange for their own dinner.

If you have special dietary requirements, please let us know beforehand by dropping an email to or We shall try to arrange. Kindly NOTE that you may NOT receive any acknowledgement to your email.

Eating in the campus

The university has a lot of good and affordable food joints dotted across the campus. Some of them are Sunrise Restaurant (just near the workshop venue), University Arts Canteen (near BKB Auditorium), Faculty House Canteen (near Business Administration Department), and Food Court (by the street leading to the Business Administration Department). Scan the following QR codes for locations.


Arts Canteen

Faculty House

Food Court