Space RESearch Opportunities in the Northeast - AN ISRO-Academia Collaboration Effort

A two-day workshop on ISRO-Academia Collaboration on Space Research for the Northeastern Region, organised by ISRO RAC-S, Gauhati University in association with RESPOND, ISRO, Bengaluru

Last date for registration : 25 July, 2024


The Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S), GU is an academic entity established by the ISRO for the Northeastern states (the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura) which is entrusted with the responsibility to find out quality academic research projects and forward to the ISRO for possible funding.

However, over last three cycles, we have been able to find ONLY a few quality projects which could finally be funded. As the Northeast is a priority region for the ISRO, we look forward to having more academic projects from this region. What we have observed that though most of the original ideas of the projects are novel, ONLY a few have the clarity of methodologies and most importantly deliverables, and a well-suited budget. We would also like to emphasise that the wide area that ISRO considers for academic projects almost encompassess all branches of science & technology, especially after ISRO's human space-flight programme and we're sure that you are definitely going to find a suitable area in which you can contribute meaningfully.

Keeping this in view, it has been decided in the last Joint Project Management Committee (JPMC) to organise a one-day awareness workshop, where ISRO scientists from different ISRO Centres and ISRO Headquarter (namely RESPOND, Bengaluru) will interact with potential Principal Investigators (PIs). There will also be a session on How to write a successful research project?

The workshop RESONANCE will now be held on 8th August, 2024 at Gauhati University. Hereby, we would like to request you kindly to register for the event. Please NOTE that there is no registration fee and accommodation (need-based) and local hospitality will be provided by us. You will also receive a Certificate of Participation, should you need one.

4th Cycle

The invitation for fresh research proposals for our Cycle 4 will begin immideately after this workshop. If some of you have already submitted a project either to RAC-S, GU or to RESPOND and have been unsuccessfull, you will be directly able to discuss the potential issues with ISRO experts.